Sorry, Foxfield electricity price data is currenly unavailable.
Natural Gas in Foxfield
Sorry, Foxfield natural gas price data is currenly unavailable.
Solar Power in Foxfield
Sorry, Foxfield solar power data is currenly unavailable.
Utilities in Foxfield, CO
Electricity Prices in Foxfield, CO
Residential Electricity Rates in Foxfield
Residential electricity prices in Foxfield, CO in November 2024 averaged approximately 15.26 cents per kilowatthour (¢/kWh), which was about 10% less than the national average rate of 17.01 ¢/kWh (November 2024). [1]
→ Electricity rates listed as zero are not currently available.
Electricity Comparison: Foxfield vs. U.S.
See how electricity costs in Foxfield differ from the average electricity costs for the U.S. overall. [1]
On a year-over-year basis - from October 2023 to October 2024 - residential electricity prices in Foxfield increased approximately 7%, from 14.50 ¢/kWh to 15.47 ¢/kWh. [1]
→ Electricity rates listed as zero are not currently available.
Natural Gas Prices in Foxfield, CO
Residential Natural Gas Rates in Foxfield
Residential natural gas prices in Foxfield in November 2024 averaged 10.05 dollars per thousand cubic feet ($/Mcf), which was approximately 32% less than the national average rate of 14.82 $/Mcf (November 2024). [2]
→ Natural gas prices listed as zero are not currently available.
Natural Gas Comparison: Foxfield vs. U.S.
See the chart below to see a comparison of Foxfield natural gas prices against U.S. average prices. Compare Foxfield natural gas costs to overall U.S. average costs. [2]
On a year-over-year basis, residential natural gas prices in Foxfield (Colorado) increased approximately 2%, from 12.00 $/Mcf (October 2023) to 12.27 $/Mcf (October 2024). [2]
→ Natural gas prices listed as zero are not currently available.
Solar Power in Foxfield, CO
Solar Radiation Levels in Foxfield
The town of Foxfield (Colorado) has an average annual solar radiation value of 6.12 kilowatt hours per square meter per day (kWh/m2/day). Compare Foxfield values to both low and high values in the U.S. overall: [3]
Average monthly solar radition in Foxfield is 7% lower than an example high average monthly solar radiation in NV.
Average monthly solar radition in Foxfield is 56% higher than an example low average monthly solar radiation in WA.
→ Solar radiation values listed as zero are not currently available.
Solar Power Comparison: Foxfield vs. High vs. Low
See the chart below for a comparison of Foxfield solar radiation levels against other areas in the U.S. Compare Foxfield levels against both 1) low average solar radition levels (WA) and also 2) high average solar radiation levels (NV). [3]
→ k/m/d: kilowatt hours per square meter per day.
→ Solar radiation values listed as zero are not currently available.
Through the analysis of publicly available data filed by electricity suppliers, the CT OCC discovered that electricity customers overpaid by $58 million in 2015.
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More information about Foxfield
About Foxfield
The town of Foxfield, CO in Arapahoe County has an approximate population of 685. [4]
Foxfield, CO Utilities
To learn more about utility rates & usage in Foxfield, CO, or for other information related to utilities in Foxfield, visit the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Did you know?
Nearly half of the sun's energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface, while about 30 percent is reflected back from the surface.