Natural gas leak in California causes health, environmental problems

Natural gas burner flame

A natural gas leak in Los Angeles County could be causing multiple health problems reported by local residents and has environmentalists concerned, too.

The leak was originally detected back near Porter Ranch in October but still has not been completely stopped by Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas), the owner and operator of the gas lines.

SoCalGas has already footed to bill to relocate more than 1,600 residents and has also paid for air purification systems for other residents.

Health concerns

Porter Ranch residents have reported various symptoms that could be a result of the the leak, including nausea, headaches and vomiting. Exposure to natural gas can cause additional symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, headache, and irregular breathing.

Environmental concerns

The persistent gas leak is raising environmental concerns, as well. The leak reportedly reached 58,000 kilograms of methane per hour in late November but had decreased to 36,000 kilograms of methane per hour this month.

“It’s wholly unacceptable to have a pollution source of this magnitude going for upwards of six months, which is what the projections are,”
Tim O’Conner, the director of California Oil and Gas at the Environmental Defense Fund, said in an interview with NPR.

Could be months before the leak is stopped

SoCalGas may not be able to fix the gas leak completely for months, executives have said. The time required to fully drill a relief well could be three to four months, the company said.

Source → NPR