U.S. utilities urged to take steps to guard against cyber attacks


Ukraine and Israel recent targets of cyber attacks

A recent wave of cyber attacks against countries around the globe is forcing United States authorities to urge utility companies on U.S. soil to be on alert.

In recent weeks, there have been power-grid-related cyber attacks in Ukraine, Ukraine again, and, most recently, Israel.

And in the U.S., a report came out that Iranian hackers claimed a successful cyber attack on a dam in New York, further heightening concern.

Concern heightened after December attack

Concern about a potential attack on U.S. utilities was heightened quite a bit after the December cyber incident in Ukraine. That incident knocked out power in approximately 700,000 homes and was likely the largest hacker-caused blackout ever.

The very recent cyber attack on Israel’s power grid was reportedly neutralized before a blackout could occur.

Trickle down effect

According to The Hill, a successful cyber attack on U.S. utilities and subsequent blackout could “cost the economy hundreds of billions of dollars, raise mortality rates at hospitals and cut the nation’s water supply.”

Utility companies are being urged to update outdated systems and ensure that vital infrastructure is not vulnerable to potential cyber attacks.

Source → The Hill